Tanssi Supports Grupo Flow, One of Brazil’s Largest Digital Media Ecosystems, in Major Blockchain Expansion on Polkadot

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, one of Brazil’s largest media ecosystems, boasting over 23 million subscribers across multiple platforms. As Grupo Flow transitions into the blockchain space with the creation of Flow Chain, this collaboration signifies a milestone. Tanssi will facilitate this move, not only bringing Grupo Flow’s vast community into the blockchain realm but also connecting them with Polkadot’s vibrant and interoperable ecosystem.

“The possibilities and connections with our audience through our own chain are very exciting. We are thrilled to have a trusted partner to guide us on this journey. Now it’s time to head to the lab, study the path and roadmap, and look forward to seeing the first features in our ecosystem,” said Andre Gaigher, CCO at Group Flow.Grupo Flow is a leading digital media ecosystem in Brazil, known for its vast reach and influence in the creator economy.

By integrating with Polkadot’s interoperable ecosystem, Flow Chain will access a network of interconnected blockchains and leverage technologies like Moonbeam Routed Liquidity to expand into ecosystems such as Ethereum and Avalanche. This ensures robust security, consistent performance, and extensive growth opportunities. Tanssi’s infrastructure reduces transaction costs and opens up new revenue streams through staking rewards and tokenized assets.


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