Tesla shares fall 7% in premarket trading after earnings miss

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Tesla shares fell more in premarket trading in the U.S. after it reported second-quarter earnings that missed expectations.

Tesla shares fell more in premarket trading in the U.S. after the electric carmaker reported second-quarter earnings that missed expectations, as its auto business continued to face pressure.

Bulls and bears have been in a grapple over the stock, with some believing the company's core car business is under pressure, while others held hope about a future Musk has promised around autonomous driving.shares fell more than 8% in premarket trading in the U.S. after the electric carmaker reported second-quarter earnings that missed expectations amid ongoing pressure in its auto business.

The market has been focused on a number of other areas around the Tesla story, including when the company will introduce a new mass-market car to reinvigorate its line-up of vehicles. Musk said on the earnings call on Tuesday that Tesla is on track to deliver a new"affordable" car in the first half of next year.Robotaxis were a huge focus on the earnings call.


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