A Concept of Collective aI on Ethereum and Ethereum Swarm

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A concept of decentralized open-source AI training and collective intelligence.

Currently, the key players in AI can be divided into two major groups: supporters of open-source AI and supporters of closed AI. Interestingly, one of the biggest supporters of closed AI is OpenAI itself, which does not release the source code of its models, only provides access to them. They usually argue that it would be too dangerous to publish these models, thus centralized control is necessary, just like with nuclear energy.

Interestingly, one of the biggest supporters of closed AI is OpenAI itself, which does not release the source code of its models, only provides access to them. They usually argue that it would be too dangerous to publish these models, thus centralized control is necessary, just like with nuclear energy. Obviously, there is a basis for this argument, but it is not hard to see the business interests behind the decision.


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