Gardaí seize more than €1m in cash and crypto currency in Galway raids

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An-Garda-Siochana News

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Searches carried out on Monday at a number of premises in Tuam and in Moycullen

More than €1 million, half of which was in crypto currency, has been seized or frozen as part of a Garda operation targeting organised crime in Galway.

During the searches €75,000 in cash, three vehicles, a Tiguan jeep, Audi A5 car and a Ford Transit van, were seized, as well as a large amount of “high value goods” gardaí said, including 12 designer watches and multiple electronic devices. In addition, two bank accounts, both within and outside the jurisdiction, with cash and cryptocurrency valued in excess of €990,000 were frozen under money laundering legislation. One of these accounts held €530,000 worth of crypto currency and the second held €465,000 cash.


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