Starknet Foundation launches $5 million grants program

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The funding aims to help developers with final-stage blockchain projects come to market and boost overall blockchain innovation.

The Starknet Foundation announced a new grant program with $5 million worth of USDC for emerging projects on the network.) per award recipient, offering a “final push” to help final-stage projects launch on Starknet, an Ethereum layer-2 scaling solution based on ZK-rollup.

“We’ve been listening carefully to devs, and hearing about the main challenges they face. We are talking about people with amazing creativity and vision, who need support with that ever-hard ‘last mile’ to get a project over the line and into production. So we responded with this program which is intended, very directly and with minimal bureaucracy, to address this.”

“In general, we want to reduce the barriers and burdens young teams face when considering starting a project. We’re trying to clear the path to innovation.”


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