The disaster looming 1,000 times worse than China's TikTok

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Within the next decade, every American will have sensitive, private data stored using blockchain, which China is heavily investing in – posing a colossal security and privacy problem.

Much like the Greeks delivering a Trojan horse to the people of Troy, the Chinese Communist Party is using new technologies to manipulate Americans and infiltrate our country. Within the next decade, every American will have sensitive, private data stored using a relatively new technology – blockchain. This new technology is also an innovation that China is heavily investing in – posing a colossal national security and data privacy problem.

Right now, we’re on the verge of handing over access to Social Security numbers, passwords, credit card numbers, bank details and America’s entire digital DNA by storing it on new technology known as blockchain. Blockchain technology is a new cloud-based storage technology. Chinese President Xi Jinping declared that his country should 'seize the opportunities' presented by blockchain technology, and China is working toward that end by developing the Blockchain Service Network.


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