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Coin Coin Headlines News

Coin Coin Latest News,Coin Coin Headlines

Chantal Marx of FNB Wealth and Investments discusses the day's market moves, the rand, US CPI, market sentiment around SA Inc, Hyprop's trading update, Pick n Pay flagging, and Naspers/Prosus share buyback progress.

Chantal Marx of FNB Wealth and Investments discusses the day’s market moves, the rand, US CPI, market sentiment around SA Inc, Hyprop’s trading update, Pick n Pay flagging, and Naspers/Prosus share buyback progress.Jimmy Moyaha has worked actively in financial markets for almost a decade.

He has worked for and with numerous international companies and has been responsible for strategy and expansion opportunities within the African market. He provides professional market commentary on platforms like Moneyweb, and has hosted a number of radio shows.13 Mar 2024 / Mike Cohen and Paul Vecchiatto, Bloomberg


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Coin Coin Latest News, Coin Coin Headlines