Goldman Sachs Refreshes Top Picks in Asia Pacific

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Finance News

Goldman Sachs,Conviction List,Asia Pacific

Goldman Sachs has updated its "conviction list" of top picks in Asia Pacific for March, adding and removing key stocks. The bank remains optimistic about the region's markets, which have recovered from January losses and are now trading flat year to date. Earnings and valuations are expected to drive share performance.

Goldman Sachs has refreshed its "conviction list" of top picks in Asia Pacific for March, adding some key stocks and removing others. The bank struck an optimistic tone on the region, noting that its markets had recovered their January losses and were now trading flat year to date. "Wide market/sector/factor performance disparity and less large cap bias than the U.S. reinforce the theme of intra-regional opportunity," the investment bank's analysts wrote in a Mar. 3 note.

"Earnings will be the main driver of share performance, given that valuations that are broadly in line with macro conditions." Key trading themes on their radar include global exposure, earnings delivery, a focus on value, and leveraging opportunities in artificial intelligence. Here are two of the latest additions to Goldman Sachs' conviction list: Xero Goldman analyst Kane Hannan said he was positive on the outlook for New Zealand-headquartered accounting software company Xer


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