“New Gold”: Dogecoin Founder Responds to Elon Musk’s Tweet, Hinting at Bitcoin

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One of two Dogecoin creators has responded to X owner’s tweet about what’s coming to replace gold and other traditional valuables

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Billy Markus, who created the original meme-inspired cryptocurrency Dogecoin in 2013 in collaboration with Jackson Palmer, has responded to a recent tweet by Elon Musk.Earlier today, centibillionaire and owner of X/Twitter app Elon Musk tweeted a meme about a knight who wishes to kill a dragon and take his gold. Meanwhile, the dragon tells the knight that he does not own any gold in the traditional sense of the word.

Instead, the dragon shows the knight that he guards a thresher that separates the wheat from the chaff without much manual labor necessary. The dragon points out the benefits of new technologies to the warrior and tells him that he also has an automated cotton loom. “The wealth of nations lies not in gold or coins but in their productive capacity,” the dragon says, adding that mining more gold than there is now would also make gold less valuable.

However, a few months later, Tesla backed out of taking Bitcoin payments out of environmental concerns. In April that year, when this Tesla Bitcoin reverse happened, BTC soared to its first all-time high that year, reaching $63,500. Musk announced that Tesla would resume accepting Bitcoin payments once miners replaced 50% of their energy to renewable resources. Tesla and SpaceX accept Dogecoin, though. AYuri is interested in technology and technical innovations.


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