‘Complex and volatile’: cryptocurrencies should be regulated by financial watchdogs, say consumer advocates

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Coin Coin Headlines News

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Treasury inquiry told ‘crypto is high-risk and unsophisticated investors are at high risk of losing significant funds’

Consumer groups have called for strong financial regulation of cryptocurrency markets and investments in Australia, saying crypto assets are “complex,In a submission to the federal treasury’s consultation paper on cryptocurrency, consumer group Choice has urged the federal government to “strongly consider regulating all crypto assets under the existing financial product regulatory regime for better outcomes for consumers and the community”.


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Because a Ponzi scheme can be regulated. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯

Just wait till the next two rate hikes. I don't think the market have priced those in for cryptos. Bitcoin is leveling out though, so anyone who bought at the beginning is still way up. Everyone else lost their pants. It was time for regulations 4 years ago. Don't ban, regulate.

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Source: The Guardian - 🏆 84. / 53 Read more »